অনুমোদিত ডাক্তারের পরামর্শ অনুসারে সারা দেশে জরুরী প্রয়োজনে মেডিকেল অক্সিজেন সিলিন্ডার দ্রুত সময়ে বাসায় ডেলিভারি দেয়া হয়, আজই কল করুন: +8801716089838 & +8801713419796



Linde Oxygen Gas Cylinder

Medical Oxygen Services Linde Bangladesh provides high quality medical oxygen in easy-to-use cylinders. medical Oxygen Cylinder Details Cylinder Capacity: 1,500 litres One cylinder can be used for 11 hours continuously at 2 …


Medical Oxygen Services

Linde Bangladesh provides high quality medical oxygen in easy-to-use cylinders.

medical Oxygen Cylinder Details

Cylinder Capacity: 1,500 litres

One cylinder can be used for 11 hours continuously at 2 litre/minute.

Original BOC approved oxygen cylinder

with Oxygen Flow meter with oxygen toly

With original BOC paper.


Linde Oxygen Cylinder in bd
We are a  nursing home care service in Bangladesh We are providing Linde Oxygen Cylinder in Dhaka bd Home Service and emergency medical oxygen cylinder rent.

Catalina Medical Oxygen Aluminium Cylinders is the lightweight and standard for ambulatory oxygen. Cylinders’ Size are provided for easy traveling. Duration will vary with cylinder size and liter flow. Larger cylinders are provided for stationary.

Medical Oxygen in DhakaOxygen Cylinder Home Service
Respiratory therapists, nurses, emergency medical personnel and others who regularly use and handle oxygen equipment.

Luxfer Gas Cylinders produces the world’s most comprehensive range of cylinders for high-pressure containment of Linde oxygen Cylinder home service in Dhaka and other medical gases.

High-performance Luxfer cylinders are the lightweight, corrosion-resistant alternative to conventional steel cylinders,

combining dramatic weight savings with extended gas delivery and exceptional strength and durability.

Luxfer medical cylinders are the ideal choice for home oxygen therapy, emergency medical services, and pre-hospital care, We are providing Oxygen Cylinder Home Service in, and emergency medical oxygen cylinder rent and Free Home Delivery Dhaka BD

